Challenging Imposter Syndrome – Tues. Mar. 14, 12-1:00pm, FNB 4070 – Hybrid Session – Zoom / In-Person

Dr. Melanie-Anne Atkins, Associate Director, TA Programs, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University

When you experience success in your academic or personal life, do you feel like a fraud? When someone praises you for a job well done, does it feel unearned? When you experience failure, who takes all the blame? In this highly interactive talk based on content from Upskilling Graduates for Success: Cultivating Wellbeing in Workplaces and Communities, let’s explore what imposter syndrome looks, sounds, and feels like for you; discuss why it won’t automatically go away when you graduate; and try up to four strategies to lessen its impact on yourself and each other. 

Dr. Melanie-Anne Atkins is the Associate Director, TA Programs at the University of Western Ontario’s Centre for Teaching and Learning and a certified CliftonStrengths® coach. She has partnered with every faculty and university college at Western to develop a diverse set of educational resources and assessment tools. In 2016, she led the creation of a student-driven wellness education innovation hub teaching evidence-based mental health and wellness strategies to university students, staff, and faculty. Dr. Atkins has a special interest in engaging students with traditionally marginalized identities in the academy, peer mentorship and education, holistic student development, anti-oppressive practices in education, and students as partners in teaching and learning.

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